Molly and I determined that a “hero” can be defined under two categories. The standard marvel tights and cape wearing super hero, and the post 9/11 police officer, firefighter, god deal. SOooo why not the best of both worlds, after all who to have cooler superpowers and to be of better standing than a God? The female deities were so much more beautiful and profound, and the symbolism in older goddesses made for a more interesting composition. One of the more difficult parts of combining images was trying to mesh those that were paintings, digital media and photographs, because the lighting is so different. The blur tool was great to help even out the texture, and the doge helped increase lighting to that of a photo, and burn darkens both midtown, highlight and shadow ranges. And even though cutting is the most painstaking, assimilation in color and lighting was the most important to making the images all cohesive.